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Pandemic, Radio Silence, and What's Next

Zach Hoyt

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Browncoats friends and family worldwide;

First, I'd like to apologize for lack of updates over the past several months. With the world under the effects of a catastrophic pandemic, we have had to endure the closure of many of the venues where our events would normally be held, as well as the cancellation of all major conventions for the rest of the year. It has been a lot for all of us to handle, and the struggle to maintain bearings and determine what is next has been incredibly emotional for all of our officers. To quote our favorite floral shirt wearing pilot, we're flying a lot blinder than usual here.

That being said, we are still flying and we have been working to find the best solution to facilitate our social gatherings in a responsible way, as well as ways to fund-raise and most importantly to find a way to run our flagship event, Serenity in the Desert. My parents raised me to believe that finding a solution was more important than focusing on the problem, so I thought it might be a good plan to answer some questions that might be on the minds of our supporters. Here it goes.

  • When is the next Shindig? Our next in person Shindig does not have a planned date due to the pandemic, however we are running an online event at short notice this coming Saturday, August 8th at 6pm Pacific Standard Time. We have been discussing hosting an online watch party of the entire Firefly series, and this will be the premiere event for that.

  • How do I join the watch party? Our watch party is being hosted through Facebook Watch. Like and follow us on Facebook and look for a post on your newsfeed to join. Unfortunately this option is only available for our supporters in the USA, but we hope to find an international solution soon.

  • Is Serenity in the Desert happening this year? The short answer is: we don't know. An in person screening is not possible and would be irresponsible if it was, and we value the safety of our fans and supporters far more than we value any event. Having said that, we are still working on possible options to host a digital screening and online event, although the details of that are entirely unknown at the moment. We will provide an update as soon as we know more.

  • What happened to the online game night plan? Our online Shindigs and game nights are still happening, we have just had some technical issues in trying to find the most effective solution while remaining accessible to the majority of our supporters. If this is something you would like to help with, shoot us a message through our contact form, or email me at

Lastly, the pre-order window for our limited edition work shirts closes in 11 days, so don't forget to place your order as soon as possible. Click here to order today!

Stay safe and stay Shiny,

Zach Hoyt

Tucson Representative / Communications Director

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Arizona Browncoats, Inc.


Phone: (480) 712-9183

Address: 1108 S 97th Way

Mesa, AZ 85208

Registered Charity: 26-1928601

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